Welcome Week

Welcome Week is a core component of the First Year Experience and it is a full week experience for all new students. During Welcome Week, students will have the opportunity to engage with faculty, staff, student leaders, and their peers. Our goal is to support the CMU mission of academic and professional excellence, ethical leadership, and social responsibility. New students will expect traditions such as the Amazing Race, CMU Palooza, and Fair on the Square to experience our community at CMU. Our new students will be equipped to begin their college career on a solid foundation through participating in sessions and activities that will encourage learning, leadership, and service.

Welcome Week Information and Schedule

There is a reason we plan Welcome Week activities the way we do. We highly encourage all our new students to participate in all of the activities. Events are designed to help you meet not only fellow students, but many CMU faculty and staff. You will learn everything you need to know about the University campus.

Welcome Week schedule